Monday, 19 November 2018


He was wandering around this vast world
So much beauty and so much pain around his journey
And so do he realize that nothing is perennial

He saw some civilization that was so great, even world fear them
And then they fall
They scattered
They ruin themselves
And the dust is what they left

He saw a garden that looks like a divine thing directly from god
He enjoyed the scenery as his body aging
And then it's gone when a storm comes
Left a pile of rubble and a little reminder that god is powerful

He found a stray cat and feed it
It keep following him and he feel happy with that
At that night when he went to sleep
God take it first rather than him
It's cold body has already hard like rock
He cried as he buried that tiny body to the ground

He wash himself on a glass-like river
It's so fresh makes him feel like was just born
There are plenty of fish easy to catch, he take some and eat some
And when he's done he fell asleep

Several months later, dry season come
He watched by his own eye as the river slowly disappear
And all the fish are dying, he took some for meal
And then it's just a dry crevice left to be seen

He went up to a mountain
Wishing to meet the creator there, perhaps
But what he found was a marvelous vista
He cried, afraid that it would begone again

Several years he has been stayed there
And it's become his home
When suddenly, all the birds and animal run down the hill
Just like trying to avoiding from a collateral danger
He followed them, run as fast as he can.
When suddenly, the mountain blasting it's anger
Tore it apart and left just a half of it
And so he lose his home, again

After all those hardship he has encountered
He think his soul has been corrupted by sadness and madness
He just thinking that fell in love is just a waste of time
They will go afterall
Everybody will go away
No matter how much you keep it secure and safe
It will go away
It's better to be alone now

After his endless journey reach it's climax
He is exhausted in the middle of dessert
"Ah... At last, nothing to be afraid of losing again... Now I will leave this place without making anyone drop their tears for me. It's just so perfect... Let me release this pain... forever..."

Slowly, his soul being dragged by the angel of death
His body started to tremble
His heart throbbing fast as it feel the soul leave his body
And that's the end of his live
Leaving nobody to be loved
And no one that love him
He find peace...

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